Writer’s Block

contemplations and life observations / Saturday, June 13th, 2020

It’s been 8 months

…since my last post. This does not bode well for someone who just this last decade called herself a writer. 

I had not found inspiration in the journey when I finally find a job, finally settled in a place for a while, finally felt like I had some sort of assemblance of a ‘life’ again. Once ‘uncertainty’ settled down a bit, I found myself uninspired.

And then the world went mad. 

And now, when I finally sit down and tell myself I’m going to write something witty, funny and uplifting, I cannot find the words. Corona, social distancing and George Floyd become the new normal daily newsfeed of life. Even if I am inspired to write, now, more than ever, I feel like I can’t even write witty prose for fear of backlash. Of not being sensitive to the society at large. To being judged for whatever I may utter next.

But here’s the thing I have to remember. This is MY blog. My space to utter whatever I feel like. Whether that’s feeling lost in life (always) or being grateful for situational experiences, or just needing to vent about something – anything – this is my little slice of ambiguity to do that. I am by no means political (except for that one time someone called me an ‘accidental activist’), nor do I believe I possess the infinite knowledge to defend my beliefs to people who choose to debate me. This blog has been up and running since 2004. I’m not about to quit it now for fear of ridicule or judgement. The best thing about social media? You can unfollow if you want. It’s your choice. As it is my choice to write whatever I want. And believe me, that’s a huge revelation for this reformed people pleaser. 

All I know lately is this: #blacklivesmatter, #quarantinelife is overrated, and #pridemonth should be celebrated year-round. #NASA should be supported,  #climatechange is not a conspiracy and today’s President should go down in history as literally the worst ever. I am neither political nor an activist, but I have my opinions about life, liberty and the pursuit of human happiness, and am happy to share, but also cautious. Because I grew up in a life before social media, where community was about meeting at the local coffee shop and expressing interests in person, not bullying faceless people online in the comment section. 

Like I said before, social media is a powerful thing. So is the unfollow button. 

If you like, please share!