Book Review: The Dinner List

weekend bookworm / Saturday, August 18th, 2018

First off, you have to buy into the experience before you even open the book – the notion of “what five people, dead or alive, would you invite to your dinner party?” If you can’t get past the fantasy of that, you’re not going to like the book.

I flew through this book. It was one of those books that I picked up and before I knew it, 2 hours had passed and I was halfway through the book! It read like a dream, I think the author, Rebecca Serle, and editors did a great job of moving the story along, all the while having little cliffhangers in certain chapter endings that made you want to keep reading.

It tugs at your heartstrings. It’s a beautiful story that reminds you to love fiercely. Serle does a good job of describing certain places that are of importance to drive home the memories our characters are experiencing. The simplicity of the storyline mixed in with the whimsical nature of the subject matter – it all worked for me. It was a delightful, light read that I’ll be happy to invite anyone to read…over dinner perhaps?

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