Running away or opportunity knocks?

contemplations and life observations, silly life observations / Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

IMG_0263It’s official. I want to move to Hawaii.
I know, I know. How many countless people say that and how many other countless people say, “Someday”?

I grew up in a world where I was taught the glass was either half-empty, or half full, where I’d exclaim, “There is no glass” (there is no spoon, Neo…) – But are we doomed to be stuck in our current plights because we feel that we’d be running away from our problems? If we say, for instance, I want to move to Hawaii…does that make us escapists or optimists? Shouldn’t we be looking at the world as the proverbial oyster and know that we’re still youthful and unattached and, to quote a favorite Incubus song, if not now, when?

Is yearning for something that seems ridiculously out of reach – a “pipe dream” – dangerous? Or is it the hope that keeps us alive?

Do I give up all my worldly possessions to live in a beach shack but have the ocean at my feet…or do I sit in the warmth of my comfortable home surrounded by family and friends while cursing the negative degree wind chill that swirls past my windows in the night?

I know not the answer. All I know is Hawaii, you had me at Aloha.

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