TV OD: Portlandia = Hilar-ia!

contemplations and life observations, TV overdosing / Sunday, January 8th, 2012
“Whole Foods is CORPORATE!”

Everyone has been telling me to watch this show…and then everyone is telling all my friends to watch the show, and then those friends are asking me if I’ve seen it, and being the TV snob that I am, I, of course, have to watch whatever everyone else is talking about. So I’m only two episodes in, but let’s just say, I’m laughing my ass off. And it’s worth talking about. Some clips are “eh”, but most comedy sketch shows can’t hold the consistency for longer than two or three sketches. Portlandia puts all those stereotypes of post-generation “whatever” to shame. If you have Netflix, add it to your queue…you may not understand all of it, but who cares? It’s just darn funny.

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