Story Time: Old lyrics to songs yet unsung

one day I'll be published / Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

So I had some, let’s just say, “motivation”, to write today…and instead of taking the pen to paper, I actually picked up the pick and started strumming. It’s been a while…let’s just say the guitars that hang on my wall are a little dusty. But my finger pads are sore, and I have yet another song to add to the overwhelming list of lyrics. I’m either going to write a musical, or a really crappy folk album.
I forgot how much I love writing, and it was hilarious to go back to the other songs and look at what I wrote. I keep one legal pad full of quotes, rhyming words, snips of concepts that don’t make any sense, but rhyme. And I actually came across a book where I started writing all these phrases and random ideas in a blank journal. All these little quips that I so love…like “No sense of self – it’s motivated by the headlines of the day” or my favorite that was written 2008 (oh how nothing has changed) “The what-ifs haunt my doubts of self-consciousness, dredging up old insecurities in the mud of adversity”. Now, if I could write a song around that phrase, I think it would be a hit!

But the funniest thing was coming across this “song” that I wrote, when I lost all my iPod music because iTunes is the devil and erased everything in an instant. So here it is. It’s a little violent, a little hostel, but I remember the time exactly, where you thought all your tunes were safe and sound, contained in a little box…and with one false click of the “ok to erase” button, your world was shattered….so to all the people who have ever lost their entire iPod playlists, this one’s for you:

An Ode to My iPod (7/30/08)

Why won’t you just DIE DIE DIE
You stupid little thing

On every little thing you do

I totally hate you.
You stupid music player thing.

Why won’t you DIE DIE DIE
You stupid little box.

All you do is LIE LIE LIE
about your magic powers.

I hate you…but I love you…and therein lies the rub.

Just DIE you stupid iPod scum!

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