TV OD: Men of a Certain Age…I guess I’m just not that cynical yet…

TV overdosing / Sunday, December 6th, 2009


It’s like: Bye, Bye, Love meets Sex in the City (minus the city)

Stars you’d know: Ray Romano, Scott Bakula (Quantum Leap), Andre Braugher (Homicide)

Their tagline: Three best friends deal with their forties.

My tagline: Midlife crisis of a few stereotypical men.

Verdict: Didn’t like it.
Here’s why: I think I may be either way too young for the cynical-ness of the male psyche at age forty, or I just don’t get it. I mean, there were point of humor in the writing, and I do love all three of those actors. But I feel like it is too much trying to be “Sex and the City” for guys (complete with a Carrie-Romano, Samantha-Bakula, Miranda-Braugher). I know that older men in my life (aka my dad and brother) will probably get a kick out of it, because I am sure this is what all guys think about during their “midlife” crisises…but I guess I am just too optimistic or too naive to even attempt to understand what goes through the male psyche during ages forty and beyond. So, recommended for all those over forty, because if you watch it while you are under forty, it just might depress you.


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