I’d been feeling a bit off lately. What I like to call “drifty”. Where your head spins in a million different directions, but you can’t make one damn decision to save your life. And the people in the very long Starbucks line (that you are now holding up with indecision) do not provide any solace. It’s that moment where nothing is wrong, nothing at all, but nothing “seems” right either. Where, in the movie that plays inside your head, you are paralyzed in a perpetual state of mediocrity as the world blurs past you, never stopping to ask, “what’s wrong”. And that’s the thing you keep telling yourself – there is absolutely no reason for you to feel this way…and yet here you are. You’re just going through the motions of life. And that’s no way to live.
And then – my daily blog reading habit comes across this gem (from a blog aptly titled “Generation Meh“) that all of a sudden, lightens my load. Makes me smile. Makes me realize, we are, in fact, not alone. People feel like this all the time – whether they call it Blue Monday or not – and for some reason, this fact, that someone else, some complete stranger, can articulate what I’ve been feeling lately…just made me giddy. Made me feel less madness and more empathy for myself.
And it’s this passage that made all the difference –
If you don’t know what you truly want, nothing will satisfy you.
How true is that!? So as I wander aimlessly for a bit in this silly little world called life, I am reminded daily by the universe that I am not alone. Even as I “drift” along, trying to get through a week with no sunlight, trying soo hard not to think about the lingering life things that like to take up residence in my brain….as I try to get through one day at a time, I am, at the very least, hopeful…for the future, for the present…for all it takes is one thought, one smile, even one complete stranger, to turn your world around.
(PS – apparently the world is conspiring for me – just got this other gem via email 10 minutes after I wrote this blog post…thanks for your vote of confidence, universe!)