Contemplations: End of an Era (or Happy 2013!)

contemplations and life observations, silly life observations / Monday, December 31st, 2012

Something unheard of happened today…I managed to just complete my last journal page on the last day of the year…and not just any old journal…the same one I’ve had for three years! Completed. On the last day of the third year. Highly by accident, as I don’t always write everyday, and I certainly sometimes write more than one page a day…but what amazed me was that it happened on the last day of 2012! Crazy. (I get it, I’m a dork. We all have our quirks. Serendipity is mine.)
So what have I learned about myself in the last three years? I leave you with my top five lessons of 2010-2012…

1) The hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in the last three years (or my entire life) has been Mom’s cancer. If I can get through that, I can get through anything life throws me. MORAL: You are much stronger than you ever give yourself credit for.

2) I often obsess about things when I have too much time on my hands…create drama out of nothing just because I can. MORAL: Must learn to not be bored…ever…

3) I am (and might always be) in a constant state of proving myself to myself. MORAL: Perfection is over-rated. Give yourself a break every once in a while.

4) No matter how hard I try, not everyone is going to like me or feel the same way about me. MORAL: Their loss. Life is too short to spend with people who suck the happiness out of you. Quit trying to be friends with everybody and just be.

5) I know, deep down in my bones, that I will miss the silence and solitude singledom has given to me these last three years, when silence will be overtaken by parental duties and martial obligations. MORAL: Learn to embrace the silence, and quit complaining about it…the grass will always be greener, and you will always wish for something and then, upon receiving it, wish for something else. Life is an adventure. Pack wisely.

But above all else, the new year brings about a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to start anew. Here is something that I made that will be hanging on my wall this year…no resolutions, no promises, just simple sayings to get me through the year of 2013, perhaps they will get you through yours as well….Happy New Year, all!


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