Film Review: Forks Over Knives

contemplations and life observations, film student for life / Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012 it’s like: Food, Inc. meets scientific research/pretty graphs meets real life “before” and “afters”

Why you’d like it: It gives an interesting perspective and scientific evidence to back up the theory that a plant-based diet (aka vegan-ism) can drastically reduce, if not eradicate, major heart diseases, osteoporosis, cancers and many other afflictions that affect the majority of the US populations. It has a little bit of a conspiracy theory of why the USDA claims we need animal meats and dairy as part of a “well-balanced” diet when there’s overwhelming evidence to prove that not having dairy or meats would be a better choice (they claim it’s because the USDA supports the farmers, and needs them to stay working). The before and afters of the people featured are mind-boggling…One guy went from 8 pills/2 injections a day to none in 8 weeks, while another one got rid of her diabetes all-together.

Why you won’t like it: It’s about giving up food that is bad for you so you can live longer. Although never really preachy, you can’t help but be a little skeptical about certain medical practices. And the story sometimes gets lost in the research (although that research is kinda fascinating, at least to this one).

Film student perspective: While some of the audio issues bothered me, (aka a major interview was done with a humming lavalier), I enjoyed the use of the 3D graphics and charts/graphs to easily digest the amazing research that quite literally proves that by adopting a plant-based diet, you can stop diseases in their tracks. The storyline went a little haywire in the middle (as it often does in documentaries), and sometimes the stories seemed a little out of order, but by the time you see the before and afters of the people mentioned, you’re impressed with how the numbers can’t lie.

Stefi’s Scope: While I’m not going to give up my monthly hot dog binge, I was impressed by the statistics and overwhelming research that went behind the plant-based diet theory of reversing the effects of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and in one case, even cancer. The proof really is in the pudding…or in this case, in the couscous.  While it didn’t make me throw up my dinner (much like Food, Inc. almost did), it does harp on the fact that you need to start being consciously aware of the food choice that you make because they are inextricably linked to how you feel. It’s really just a reminder to be mindful of what you eat, because, as the saying goes, you are what you eat. And while the occasional Jamoca Almond Fudge (back for a limited time! yay!) isn’t going to necessarily kill me, I might just add a little salad to those fish and chips I’m going to have tomorrow at Fireside

View it now on Netflix Instant, Hulu Plus


**I am starting (yet another) tradition for the month of April by watching Documentaries on Monday…it’s time to put my brain (and this damn unjustified Netflix account) to work!**


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