31 things to do before 31

contemplations and life observations, silly life observations / Thursday, January 13th, 2011

Ok, so due to unforeseen circumstances (see BAM-Cs), I am now dubbing this the “31 things to do before I’m 31” list. (with a few tweaks and additions)

30 31 things to do before 30 31


1. Import my physical CDs into iTunes and start a CD Swap.  (I recently had to get a 1 Terabyte hard drive to take the 400(!) gigs of music off my laptop for more space…and I haven’t even started importing yet!)

2. Read Breaking Dawn. **Really really good…now onto Harry Potter…**

3. Learn how to properly use my Mac without the help of Google. (Seriously, sick of googling “how to reboot a mac”)

4. Make more money by selling off stuff I don’t use anymore and making an ebay account / amazon account (gotta make more money to pay stupid special special assessments!)

5. Teach Ollie new tricks. He can lay down and sit…and he can take a running leap at you and jump all over you. Now to teach him useless tricks…

6. Have one room in my studio at least look like I put some thought into the design. (ugh. My studio still doesn’t look “adult” or reflect my personality! Help, HGTV!) **getting there…

7. Learn to play one song from The Fray on the piano. (I’ve had a friend’s piano in my place for more than a year now, and haven’t taught myself anything!)

8. Pay off at least one credit card. (I’d love to be debt free by age 30, but with a mortgage and student loans, not to mention credit cards…paying off one would be nice!)

9. Lose 10 pounds (or at least fit into my jeans better)

10. Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day. (I should be drinking 15 glasses, but let’s take baby steps.)

11. Visit a new place (just because) *does the new Lutheran General Hospital, wings 7, 8 & 10 count? No? Fine, this stays on**

12. Go a whole day without complaining. (ha, because it’s hard for me!)

13. Write in both blogs consecutively for one week. (to justify my “writing” hobby)

14. Complete a crossword puzzle. (because I suck at crosswords)

15. Write a new song.

16. Write a short story.

17. Start the Harry Potter series. (because I finally have them all)

18. Sell off all my books that I don’t care about and get a Kindle or Nook. (I know, I know, but I love books too much and don’t have enough square footage for them all!) **Got a nook. Love the nook. Now need to sell off all books I don’t want to justify the nook**

19. Read Emerson. (All the quotes I love are from Emerson, so I really should read his books) **always reading in my nook. He is awesome.**

20. Learn to meditate for 10 minutes. (My mind is active 20 hours a day with over contemplations. Must quiet the voices…)

21. Do yoga at least once a week. (kinda goes with meditating, must learn to relax!) **started because of vertigo attacks. Now doing every night, even if for two minutes. Really helps.**

22. Help Ollie lose 10 pounds. (because he should be 22 pounds, not 36!) **haven’t weighed him yet, but chasing Tassi around for the past two months, I’m sure he’s lost something!****so he lost 5 pounds…and then gained it all back again! We’ll get there!**(11/11–he’s down to 29lb!)

23. Get a tattoo (or stop talking about getting one) (because I have wanted one since 2003 but am a commitment-phobe) **will definitely (maybe?)  be doing this sometime this year**

24. Cook something new once a week. (if not to just expand my culinary non-abilities)

25. Find my favorite wine. (right now, I know it’s pinot noir, but haven’t found my favorite brand yet.)

26. Install a headboard and TV in my “bedroom”. (because I want a big girl bed!)

27. Find a high end/low end signature scent. (eh, just because I like to smell nice) **high end: Creed Spring Flowers, Creed Green Irish Tweed, low end: Banana Republic’s Rosewood (which, of course, is discontinued), all Harajuku Lovers, Vera Wang Lovestruck**

28. Learn how to sew (or at least hem my pants) (because I will be short for the rest of my life, and so will my pants)

29. Watch the entire Battlestar Gallactica series (because I’m a nerd)**will be doing this, now that it’s on Netflix Instant!

30. Make an electronic scrapbook of my semester in London (from 2003!) (because it was the best time and must be preserved!)

31. Drink more tea **thanks to free Mighty Leaf tea (my fav!) at work, I have now instituted my own “tea time” at 3pm!**

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