Story Time: Average Girl.

one day I'll be published / Thursday, April 15th, 2010

She was an average girl, living in her average world. She had an average job, making average money. An average apartment with an average dog. An average life, just like any other. She played mediocre tennis at a mediocre club, with her mediocre friends who remained indifferent to her mediocre life. She never expected anything better than average, having grown up in an average home, on an average block, in average-ville, USA. But one day, all that changed.
You see, average Jane was, well, plain average. Everyday was the same.  She’d smile the average way, walk the same old way, to her same old car, going to her same old job. And the vicious cycle would happen all over again. Until one day, average Jane met average Joe, and since two averages don’t make a whole, the average world’s collided with Jane and Joe. And thus another set of averages were born.
While walking her dog on an average fall day, Jane slipped and fell in a very non-average way. “What was that?!” she exclaimed, as her now less than average dog barked away. “But average dog, you never bark, what has gotten into you?” And just like that, average Jane wasn’t in Average-ville anymore.  The bump on her head had made her unique, at least for this moment, and average Jane freaked. Whatever will I do with a non-average head injury? She wondered. Where would she go in her average world? She was shunned from her average world, as she was not average anymore, not with this big lump of a bump on her head. She was unique. She was special. And it freaked her out to no end.

What ever will I do? She wondered, rubbing her not-so-average head. She went to bed in the middle of the afternoon, which was so not the average, and fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke, she found herself in the opposite of average-land. She was in Different Land, where being average was seen as cool, and if you were different, you were shunned from the world.

Average Jane lived in an average world until one day, she meets someone from the Different land that shows her what’s so great about not being average. After a time in Different land, Average Jane realizes that it’s not so bad being average after all. Life expectancy, at the very least, is longer.

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