Film Review: New Moon – Is it a music video?

film student for life / Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

It’s like: that other Twilight movie.

Stars you’d know: None, really.

The Good: Italian settings. Followed the book pretty closely. Performance by leads were better than the first.

The Bad: Performances by leads still leave a lot to be desired. The plot seemed to drag on (but then again, so did the book).

The Final Word: The whole movie itself played like a music video montage–from Bella/Jacob bonding to Bella/Edward Italian adventure, everything was set to music to condense the plot, which I thought made the movie lack substance. But who needs substance when your teenage daughters will pay to see both boys with their shirts off? It was funny to see Oscar-nominated Anna Kendrick playing the valley girl best friend role, after having just watched Up in the Air. Kristin Stewart doesn’t bother me as much as she used to, but I still think there isn’t enough substance here. I liked the books, so I’ll watch the films, but there isn’t much to these…I’m still on Team Jacob though 🙂

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