Film Review: Up…lifts you up.

film student for life / Sunday, July 26th, 2009

up promo pic

It’s like: any story about a grumpy old man and a wide-eyed little kid.

Star’s you’d know: Ed Asner, in a perfect, type-casted voice role.

Synopsis: Annoyed with all the change going on in his neighborhood, a widowed Carl Fredricksen sets out on a balloon-inspired adventure. Only he’s not alone. A Cubs-scout stowaway entertains him along the way. Together, they set out on a wild adventure that includes a talking dog, evil villain, and a rare bird named Kevin.

Verdict: Although completely enjoyable, it wasn’t one of my favorite Pixar films. (see Finding Nemo!). It was, however, one of the most visually-engaging films I have seen from them. Let’s just say, that 30 minutes in, you forget you are watching an animated film. Maybe because you are trying to pay attention to the myriad of plot points, or maybe because you are laughing at the dog that reminds you of your own (..lalalala  SQUIRREL!). The animation is top-notch, and the pulling-of-heart-strings isn’t so bad either. Ed Asner is at his best, and it’s really a tale of mortality and how the old and young are not so different after all. And how when all hope seems lost, something always turns it right around. An optimistic film all around that will make you call your grandparents, or at the very least, buy girl scout cookies.

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