1. Yes, the poster says it all. Somewhere in the Northern Suburbs, John Hughes is throwing up in his mouth.
2. An Elvis impersonator father pressuring his son into winning a basketball scholarship, that Notre Dame father who pressured all his kids into his Alma mater, a manic depressant mother who forces her daughter to live with her aging grandmother, and a mother who cuts her son’s hair too short…no wonder these kids had problems! However, it makes for intriguing stories.
3. Typical stereotypes. Typical high school in Warsaw, Indiana. Typical mean girl (with an anger management problem). Typical depressed (and repressed) artist looking for a way out of the cornfields. Typical jocks who are (surprise!) friends with the mean girl. Typical band geek with acne just trying to find love. All these stories are typical, but somehow, it was entertaining.
4. If you hated high school, you’ll love this movie because you will find yourself in one of these five storylines, and you will pat yourself on the back for getting through those tremulous times called high school. If you like high school, you’ll love this movie because it brings you back to a time when you didn’t know what lied ahead, and where every fight, every heartbreak, every night spent in the basement of someone’s house playing pool meant the world to you. And if you’re impartial to high school, you’ll be reminded of that time when you graduated when you were either so excited to get the hell outta dodge, happy that you had the best four years of your life, or sad as hell that your glory days are over.
5. It’s Breakfast Club meets the Real World meets Varsity Blues, meets Mean Girls. All rolled up into one hour and a half miniseries called “I survived high school in Warsaw, Indiana and all I got was the best video yearbook of my life”!