From the Google Reader…

contemplations and life observations / Monday, March 16th, 2009

I recently discovered Google Reader, and I got to tell you, it’s fabulous. Now I don’t have to log onto every blog separately, and I don’t have to subscribe to them either so they clog up my email. So here’s a recap of my favs from this weekend with a brief summary.
From the Google Reader:

Basically, Jamie is an unemployed quarterlifer who is witty, humorous and downright contemplative. No wonder I like her.

I am by no means zen, but I like reading this blog because it makes me feel centered. Sort of. I like this post because it says if you try to do things in 5% increments, instead of doing everything all at once, like me, you have a better chance of success…let’s see…so if I walk Ollie 5% more today, I can eat 5% more ice cream tonight…

I’ll try to keep up-to-date with this blog thing…even though people are still wondering why I write a blog….and sometimes I wonder why people don’t….it’s like Twitter…I dont think I will ever understand the program, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try it…I’m a geek like that.

If you like, please share!