I have just spent the last half hour reading blogs from Google Reader with every intention of writing a witty yet blog of substance…and I’ve come up with zero. zilch. nothing interesting happened today. I bought a lamp. Very exciting. I went on an exceptionally long walk with Ollie today in the sun because it was 60 degrees. Which was awesome. Broke out the old USC sweatshirt. Actually brought my phone along this time and took pictures. And yes, I know it’s a picture of his butt, but he wouldn’t turn around, turns out Paduckah boy is a prima donna. So that was my interesting day. Taking Ollie for a walk, trying to take a picture of him in the sun with my phone, only to end up with a picture of his butt. He’s so my dog.
And I know I should really start to learn this wordpress.org website setup thing…since I have a domain name and such, but I haven’t had the attention span lately. Blame the weather. I blame the weather. When you need something to blame, blame the weather (sounds like a song…)
And I have had many discussions lately about social media and how, at this very moment, not a lot of people around me know what’s going on or care. Hell, I have no idea what’s going on and I am supposed to be the geekiest chick in my realm. I have no idea why anyone would want to follow me on Twitter, because I am not that interesting. Sometimes I am, when the brilliance hits me, but usually, rather boring. I get if you’re a celebrity, and exploiting that celebrity, or you want to get more business, and you’re self-promoting…but for all us living day-by-day, doing the life, liberty and trying to keep a dollar thing, do you really want to know that at this exact moment I am scooping up dog poop from the sidewalk? Me thinks not.
But I get the need for social media, and the business I am working in right now does not (which is surprising, since I work for The Media). People want to feel connected 24/7. I get that. The world I live in from 9-5, however, does not. So how do you convince the naysayers to hop on the bandwagon? To start tweeting before it’s too late? To get a freaking facebook profile already?? One answer: you don’t. You learn everything you can about the “new medium” before anyone else, then sell yourself on the proverbial black market (aka ask for a raise) because you are so smart and knowledgeable and they cannot bear to lose an asset like you…..I can dream….but even I feel behind, and I just feel like if I don’t learn this stuff now, when it hits big, and becomes mainstream, and replaces email and the like, I better have my shit together. Otherwise I am going to be working for an 18 year old who pops gum in my face…which ironically is probably what I look like to my counterparts now. Oh, geez. The circle of social media is a bitch.
So I guess my non-exciting day has brought on this quandary: In the social media of life, does being connected 24/7 make us more connected or discombobulated? What I mean is, in a world where we are starting to define ourselves in 140 characters or less, does that make us more succinct or does it make us void of substance? Is creativity born in 140 characters, or is it lost in it?
Ollie’s giving me the evil “what the hell are you doing with that silver thing on your lap? I’m bored. Entertain me.” Touche.