Contemplations: The Facebook Status Quo

contemplations and life observations, silly life observations / Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Yesterday I was reading blogs and watching news reports on identity theft and thought, hmm…it’s been a while since I’ve googled myself to see what info is out there…so I googled, and in doing so, I found out that there was way too much information floating around cyberspace including addresses where I used to live in LA, phone numbers that I don’t remember giving out, and just way too much personal stuff. Granted, I am all for the transparency and love the Internet, but I just thought maybe, just maybe, I shouldn’t be sharing all the details of my life with the Internet. I’d leave the sharing to real life.

So I’m updating all my social networking sites, you know the ones, LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook, and I decided that I didn’t really want to be defined by my relationship status. I mean, cool, if you are the one who checks up on past loves to see if they are married or not, and fine if you are a singleton who likes to tell people she is perpetually single and loathing it. I am neither one of these people, so I thought, what harm will it do deleting this…this minuet detail of my life (the most uninteresting part of my life, I might add)…well let me tell you! I must be one popular lady because the flurry of emails I received today was dumbfounding. People stopped me in the hall today at work to ask who I was dating, where’d we meet, what’s he like…I guess I was more popular in facebook life than I thought!

And it got me thinking…with so much transparency on the web and people knowing everything about everyone…where you can become a celebrity because of one You Tube video, where you can follow people around on Twitter 24/7…in a world that is increasingly knowing more about you than you know about yourself, and where you are judged on your current status… what’s left to learn about someone?

So if you are REALLY that interested in my life (you flatter me…I’m not even that interested in this part of my life!), here’s the facts:

Yes, I deleted my relationship status on facebook, and Yes, I am still single. Yes, most times I love this status…and Yes, sometimes I hate it. Yes, I eventually want to spend my life with someone, and Yes, I’ll probably want kids. But NO, I am not defined by my facebook relationship status. And neither should you be.

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